查看因OOM被kill掉的进程记录 grep -i 'killed process' /var/log/messagesdmesg | egrep -i 'killed process'
As I understand, the size of the virtual memory that a process uses is listed as "total-vm". Part of it is really mapped into the RAM itself (allocated and used). This is "RSS". Part of the RSS is allocated in real memory blocks (other than mapped into a file or device). This is anonymous memory ("anon-rss") and there is also RSS memory blocks that are mapped into devices and files ("file-rss”).
Bash 普通用户: export PS1='[\033[01;32m]\u@\h[\033[01;34m] \W [\033[00m]' root: export PS1="[\033]0;\u@\h:\w\007][\033[01;31m]\u@\h[\033[01;34m] \W [\033[00m]” 磁盘状态命令 vmstat iostat sar du -h --max-depth=1
加载内核模块 modprobe dm_thin_pool 列出内核模块 lsmod|grep dm_
ps aux | grep java